
All About lil o' Me

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Just call me your Budget Barista. I have been married for 20 years to the best man on this planet. He's sweet, caring, kind, but most of all he makes me laugh. We have Three adorable kids. A beautiful sweet pea girl, A 'superman' boy, and a love bug baby girl. We just love that we live where people vacation...where the ocean meets the sky. We live a wonderful life. I love my life and I thank Christ for giving it to me. Some random things about me are I enjoy baking, quilting, paper crafting, jewelry making, scrapbooking, and loving on my family. I am a Princess in the Kingdom of the King of Kings, diet coke drinking baby kisser. We are a homeschooling family but are part of a hybrid program where the children attend a 'classroom' 2 days a week and we do the rest at home. It's a blast. We also love to vacation and explore God's world around us. I think that's enough for now. :-)

Blog Archive

Monday, April 4, 2011

Did you get your Mommy sticker today?

I have read this a couple times and each time get a kick out of it, so...

Kids get stickers for doing good things or doing things right, so why not moms? Childcare is relentless, and no one tells you when you're doing a good job. Here's a typical day and all the things I've done that deserve at least a sticker. Don't you think? What about you?

Today, I...

    * Managed to find a G-rated word to shout after Stubbing my pinky toe!
    * Snagged front-row seats for the hottest shows in town: the FREE movie in the park series!
    * Extracted my toddler from the park without bribery, muscle power, or the kind of negotiation skills you might see on Deal or No Deal.
    * Used the stop-and-go traffic I was stuck in as an opportunity to retrieve various toys, pacifiers, balled-up socks, and bottles as they rolled under my feet.
    * Shaved BOTH of my legs...and my armpits-- on the same day, no less.
    * Transferred a sleeping child from the car to the crib without stepping on any squeaky toys, or legos!, or banging my knee on the car seat..
    * Resisted the urge to jump off a bridge after I cleaned up the 50th mess made by my toddler today.
    * Forced a smile when my son picked all the dandelions in the backyard, brought them in the house and began to blow all those seedlings all over my house!
    * Didn't eat the brownies that were calling my name. Well, not all of them. Just the middle ones.
    * Got the "air pane" to fly into the "hanger" over and over again, until all the veggies were gone.
    * Saved my daughters beloved blankie from falling into the large, murky puddle in the back yard.
    * Made breakfast, lunch, and dinner (in the same day no less!). My kids can't even do that. I am a super hero!

Here's my take on:  Excerpted from You're a Good Mom by Jen Singer (2008).